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Woman’s hearing aids no longer working well and she is straining to hear.

If you have hearing aids, you should be able to hear, right? When they aren’t working right, it can be thoroughly frustrating, it’s a total “You had ONE job” situation. Luckily, your hearing aids should have no issue doing their job if you take proper care of them.

Before you do anything drastic, consider this list. It might be time to come in and talk with us if you find it isn’t one of these common problems. For instance, your hearing aids might need recalibration, or your hearing could have changed.

Potential Pitfall: Low Batteries

While hearing aid batteries have gotten dramatically smaller and lifespans are improving, the batteries still have to be replaced occasionally or recharged. That means that it’s important to keep up with your hearing aids’ batteries. The first thing you should do if your hearing aid starts to falter or cut in and out is check the battery.

The fix: Keep ‘em Fresh

Investing in a battery tester, especially if you like to stock up, is a smart idea. Batteries have a shelf life so the last batteries in the pack may not have the same voltage as the first few even if they stay sealed. Another trick: When you unpack new batteries, wait 5 minutes before putting them in. This gives the zinc time to activate, and can potentially help the batteries last longer.

Potential Pitfall: Gross Things Like Wax And Grime

Your hearing aids will gather debris and dirt no matter how clean you keep your ears and if you have problems hearing you’re probably more conscientious about earwax. If you can hear but sounds seem distorted or somewhat off, dirt could be the cause.

The fix: Clean Them Out—And Keep Them Clean!

There are lots of products available specifically for cleaning hearing aids, but you can DIY it with items you already have around the house. Once you’ve disassembled your hearing aids, use a soft, microfiber cloth (like you’d use to clean glasses or smartphone) to wipe down the components.

Simple hygiene habits will really help with keeping your hearing aids clean. Clean and dry your hands before you take care of your hearing aids, and take them out while you’re doing anything, such as washing your face, styling your hair, or even shaving, that might put them in jeopardy of being spritzed, sprayed, or splattered.

Potential Pitfall: Trapped Moisture

Moisture can be a real problem for hearing aids, and it doesn’t take much to do so (you don’t need to be underwater, even a sweat can be an issue). Even humidity in the air can be a problem, blocking up the hearing aid’s air vents or draining more quickly. Issues ranging from distortion to static or even crackling might happen depending on how much moisture is inside. They could even seem to shut down.

The fix: Keep Them Dry

Leave the battery door open when you store your hearing aid overnight and any longer than that, remove the battery. It takes almost no effort and ensures that air can circulate, and any captured moisture can escape.

Store hearing aids in a cool, dry place. Don’t keep them in the kitchen or bathroom. Keeping them in the bathroom might seem convenient but moisture is just too much. You will likely want to purchase a hearing aid storage box if you live in a very humid environment. More expensive models plug in, but less costly options use desiccants or gels (yes, like those “throw away do not eat” packets you find in the box when you buy a pair of shoes) to absorb moisture.

None of the above are working? It may be time to talk to us.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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